I designed this mural in a typography class where I had an opportunity to pick a poem of my choice and design a mural for it. This is a plumbing building, that is located in downtown Racine. The history of the street that it's on use to have an underground railroad and blacksmiths.

These were my first three illustrations I designed. I tried to relate my designs to the poem, but also incorporate the history of the street into it. My inspiration for this poem was, the underground railroad is like a stream flowing to the North that was for freedom seekers helping slaves to be free.

Here is the final mural design. I wanted to incorporate the underground railroad with the poem, so I illustrated a tunnel symbolizing as the underground railroad, with a waterfall flowing from the window. Some changes I made, was to have the water flowing from the window so that it’s only coming from one place. I made the fonts a lot bigger so that you would be able to read it as you drove past and added some hierarchy. I made the first line in the poem curve around the tunnel and another line in the poem bold and wavy to make the words playful.